Abigail Gray

Undergraduate Senior


My name is Abigail Gray and I am an undergraduate senior at Southern Virginia University in Buena Vista, Virginia. I will be graduating in May, 2025, with a B.A. in Psychology. 
I am currently the Lab Coordinator in the SVU Psychology Department, where I mentor newer students in beginning research, literature reviews, IRB approval, recruitment, and data analysis. I am also the President of the Psi Chi chapter at my university, where I plan meetings to fit students' needs, including having guest visitors from various professions in psychology, and having graduate school prep nights. I presently work as a reference assistant at the Von Canon library, where I assist students from all departments in developing research questions, finding sources, and navigating databases. 
I hope to gain more experience in social and experimental psychology research during the rest of my time at school, and then work as a Research Assistant to gain more research experience before pursuing a Ph. D in Social Psychology. My main research interests are in prejudice (sexual, racial, and prejudices less commonly researched such as ageism), death, and LGBTQ+ topics. 
In terms of my personal life, I value work/school/life balance, and enjoy knitting, birdwatching, and reading in my spare time. I am also active in extracurriculars, including technical theater and founding a craft club and tea society at my university.